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Parents and Educators

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Parents and Educators

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Magic Notebook Team

Mathematics is one of the fundamental pillars of academic knowledge, and therefore, it is extremely important to learn the basic concepts in a solid and consistent way in the first years of schooling, namely in the years of Elementary School I, from Pre-Kindergarten to Kindergarten. Fifth year.

Practicing a lot of mathematics in the early school years, leads the child to an internalization of concepts that is coherent and solid, and not fragmented, and a deep learning, not superficial.

The Magic Notebook is an innovative and stimulating tool that interacts with the child, resulting in a gradual and consistent learning of mathematics and maintaining a high level of motivation throughout the process.

Students at Magic Notebook are motivated children involved in math tasks and exercises, who enjoy challenges and achieve the proposed objectives and who learn concepts intuitively.

In mathematics, the practice of exercises is as important as the content itself, that is, "how to do it" (practice) has a prominent place next to "what to do" (content). The capabilities associated with "how to" go beyond procedures, extending to the development of the child's logical, critical and dynamic thinking. Practice leads to perfection.

Several important skills are developed with the practice of math exercises:

  • Interpretation of problems
  • Security and quick thinking
  • Persevering attitude in problem solving
  • Abstract and quantitative reasoning
  • Critical and constructive reasoning
  • Construction of mathematical models
  • Precise expression of thought
  • Understanding sequences of concepts
  • Solid foundation for future acquisition of more complex concepts

Magic Notebook offers exercises formatted according to the syllabus of the North American math curriculum and is an innovative tool that schools, teachers, and educators in general use to complement the teaching of mathematics, with exercises in the classroom or as a lesson in home. Thus, educators seek to motivate their class and also obtain a greater return on the activities carried out at home by their students. Magic Notebook offers reports on its use by students, containing useful information such as exercises performed, time, success and failures of each student.

Mathematics teaches logic and order. The discipline of mathematical reasoning, which children develop through regular practice, facilitates the learning of other concepts and subjects and is reflected in the development of their abilities and everyday tasks. These competencies are a solid foundation for the success of your academic and professional future.

Mathematics also develops critical thinking skills, reasoning and coordination of ideas, which are reflected in a greater ability to solve problems and learn complex and more elaborate concepts.

Learning mathematics through the Magic Notebook is a fun task for the child, and it is not only motivating, but completely engaging, which facilitates solid, positive and constructive learning.

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